John Ellis Bush (Jeb) Beginnings

This Son Don't Shine.

John Ellis Bush

Jeb Bush & Family Record

Jeb: Reale state,IBM, golf communities, Water pumps

Ties between Jeb Bush and Enron explored

The Latest Crime of the Stolen Election

Jeb's funky newsletter

Bush "friends-and-family" Plan

Voucher sneakiness

Florida calls Jeb To Answer All Questions:

Jeb Bush is to Florida as Ken Lay is to Enron

Jeb Bush wants guns & religion in Florida

GOP admits to breaking law by soliciting state workers

Is Florida's Gov.representing
The People or, his "Cronies"?

Jeb Gives $600,000 In State Money
To Religious Group

Gov. Jeb Repeatedly Breaks No Fundraising Promise

Jeb resists investigating shady real-estate deals

FBI investigates Bush associate

Jeb's-Publicity machine in full-gear

Key Notes: Jeb & "Bunny"

The Bush-Florida-Cuba connection

Jeb, Harris and Henderson.


Jeb's Voodoo Economics

E-Mails Show Jeb Bush's Office Keenly Interested

Hostage Crisis

Did Jeb Engineer the Stolen Election?

Jeb cuts programs for working-class, gives wealthy tax breaks

U.S. fraud suit targets ex-partner of Jeb Bush

Governor's friends, donors benefit in the end!"

Storm Over Election Casts Cloud on Prospects of the Younger Bush

Many Democrats-One Goal For Florida

Help That May Haunt Jeb Bush

Jeb Bush ally a winner on Florida contract

Open Letter to Att. Gen. & Florida (Election)

Democrats Call For Investigation

Democrats charge Jeb Bush with misuse of state seal

Does Jeb "really" want election reform?

E-mail Shows Action by an Aide to Jeb Bush

Jeb's secret weapon

Should Supreme court evicts jeb

Why Did Jeb make EXECUTIVE
on Terrorism on Sept. 7?

911 Attacks came just before Bush
family scandals to be announced world-wide

Jeb Bush Family Scandals

Jeb Bush clan's family business

Fundamentally corrupt?

Jeb Bush's political

The Bushes And The Bin Ladens

E-mail Shows Action by an Aide to Jeb Bush

WhiteWashing the Bush Boys

Jeb Bush's critic is silenced

National labor leader criticizes
Gov. Bush on Enron, state job cuts

John(Jebby)Bush Jr.

Noelle Bush

Columba Bush

George H. W. Bush

George W. Bush (Jr.)

What Goes-around...
for Jeb and Katherine!

Neil Bush & Family

Bush Babies in the Briar Patch

FLA tax cuts saved worker .13
(cents) a day,saved wealthy millions

Gov. Bush dipped into the Lawton
Chiles Endowment

Jeb Bush Is a Funny, Funny Guy

Florida News

"My brother Jeb has assured me the state
of Florida."
~George W. Bush, 2000

It's Clinton's fault!
~Bush's & GOP

There ought to be limits to freedom.
~George W. Bush Jr., 1999

Opposes increased fuel efficiency.
~George W. Bush

Opposes increased fuel efficiency.
~ Saddam Hussein

It's Clinton's fault!
~Bush's & GOP

"If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck
of a lot easier-
so long as I'm the dictator."
~George W. Bush, Dec. 19, 2000

It's Clinton's fault!
~Bush's & GOP

If George Bush wins the presidency, the NRA
will be working out of his office. "We plan to do
whatever it takes to make sure John Ashcroft
retains that seat."
~ NRA Chief Lobbyist James Jay Baker,
The Hill, May 10, 2000

"... but I also want to send a message to people
from around the country as to how to
pick up the Hispanic vote" -- George W. Bush Junior

It's Clinton's fault!
~Bush's & GOP

One only needs to go back three generation in the Bush
family to find the seed of absolute corruption.
This family is to America what syphilis is to the body.
~Bob Miller, Republican (The Late Show).

It's "always" Clinton's fault!
~Bush's & GOP

*Behind The ENRON Scandal


*The Bush pardons -where is the outrage?


Bushs secret...The Order of the Skull and Bones

*WhiteWashing the Bush Boys

*A Prayer for America

*White Washing America

*Enron Conservatives

*Bush brothers flush surpluses down the drain

*Jeb Has To Go

*With media, scandal depends on who you are.

*Is History Repeating Itself? [Hitler/Bush]

*Enemy of the Earth.

*Bush W. accomplishments

*ScoreCard of Evil

*Remember Reaganomics? Bush W., does

*Surplus gone to the Rich: Bush Made it happen

*How Ethical is Bush Administration?

*Nearly half still believe Pres. Bush didn't win in fair election

*Author links Bush family to Nazis

*Is this how the Bush's Gets Voted Into Office

Janet Reno     Florida News